Yes Japanese party food is Sushi 祝・上棟式

Itakura Method in Zushi / 板倉工法 Part 7

Raising the ridgepole ceremony!

Thanks to everyone’s hard work, we eventually came to the stage of JotoToo bad it slipped my mind in this festive atmosphere to take more pictures..

11831654_691909737607170_7935729531361466140_nJotoshiki is a ceremony taken place upon completion of the framework of a building. It used to be common to hold this ceremony back in the days, now it seems it is becoming rare. We celebrate that the major part of the building has been completed and wish that the rest of it will progress with safety. Of course we don’t forget to party either! Today, our client prepared feast for us as well as drinks and presents. The treated us with great hospitality.

Normally everyone who has involved in the building process is welcomed. The contractors, the architects, the machine operators and the clients… Soon people starts introducing themselves and enjoy the mingle time. We even sang! I am really relieved and very grateful for all my carpenter colleagues and friends who helped us at this process. I will keep doing my best with my life to complete this very special house.

My aim is to build a house that will be handed down to generation after generation and loved for years to come. Thank you for reading.

11063734_691909860940491_3205960980677145407_n 祝  上棟!! 先日、おかげさまで無事上棟いたしました。上棟式の様子です(式直前バタバタしてたのと、酒が効いちゃって写真、撮り忘れました。泣)







(This was originally posted September, 2015 – 実際の工事は2015年8月に行われたものです)



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