Wooden houses that saved the tsunami victims after 3.11? 板倉さん家?

Itakura Method in Zushi / 板倉工法 Part 1
Hello there!
This time I’d like to introduce our new project in Zushi, Kanagawa. (日本語は下へ)

This the ancient method of wall construction called Itakura Method was originally applied to raised floor warehouse where people used to store rice, vegetables or household goods. But in recent years, it is becoming more popular to use this method to build a residential house. It seems that the quality of the Itakura architecture is starting to be acknowledged for its excellent quality.

11701037_679812698816874_8175112994201620826_n    10953277_679812775483533_2770474024808117219_n In 2011, after the Tohoku earthquake, the Itakura Method was widely applied to temporary houses for the people who lost theirs to live in. I’ve heard the reputation is not bad at all.

What? You wanna know what it is like?

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Stay tuned 🙂


次は 逗子の新築工事 【板倉工法の家】 をやりましょう。 「逗子板倉の家」新築工事 板倉工法は古くから日本に伝わる、いわゆる伝統構法です。

土蔵と同じように、もともとはお米や野菜などの穀物や家財など大切なものを保管しておく建物でしたが、 近年ではその板倉工法で住宅を建てる人が多いようです。板倉がもつ性能が優れているということがかなり認知されてきたのでしょうか。


じゃあどんな家なのか? 説明すると永遠と文を書き続けなければならないのでw 進行状況、随時上げていきます(^^)


(This was originally posted July, 2015 – 実際の工事は2015年7月に行われたものです)
